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"The standard of service that Aegis offer is very impressive indeed"

Insurance solutions are often given an unfair label. That is, until the worst happens and then we can be extremely thankful protection was in place.


Just like our investments, we offer tailored protection solutions suited to career cycle, lifestyle and family that ensures the appropriate cover is always in place.

Life insurance provides a safety net. Ultimately, it offers reassurance that your family and business would be protected financially should the worst happen. We never know what life has in store for us, as we’ve seen in recent weeks with the outbreak of COVID-19, so it’s important to get the right life insurance policy.


A good place to start is asking yourself three questions: What do I need to protect? How much cover do I need? How long will I need the cover for?

As the main bread winner in our family I knew I needed some protection in case of the worse happening. It did. In 2013 I had a massive stroke. Thankfully, I was fully covered and my policy paid out. I cannot thank the chaps at Aegis enough for setting up the policy and managing the claim thereafter.Without them it would have been a completely different situation.

London Office:

Aegis Financial Planning

Warnford Court

29 Throgmorton Street






T.  0333 358 2233

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​Aegis Financial Planning Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA No. 624298) Registered Office: Warnford Court, 29 Throgmorton Street, London, EC2N 2AT. Registered in England & Wales No 8946610.

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